Our Services
Read Our Full List of Services Here

We understand that you allocate each of your Property Managers' a portfolio of their own; but are their portfolios utilising their strengths and maximising profitability?

It only takes a single weak link to break the chain. Strong departmental relationships and good, understandable and flexible inter-departmental procedures are vital.
Find out more.

ARMA and the IRPM are resource-rich libraries for your staff to access guidance to things like reading leases, understanding Section 20 and even contractor management, but without an effective internal training matrix, who teaches your Property Managers to handle an incredibly demanding job?

The way that your firm choose to communicate with your clients and residents is likely an incredibly important cog in your business model - but have you laid out a communications policy that clearly relays your desired approach to your staff?

General Systems, Software and Procedures Reviews
With so much 'tailor-made' Block Management software solutions out there, it is difficult to know which best fits your company. We've experience with many software solutions and are here to help you make the right decision.

Restructuring your Block Management Company
As your Block Management business grows, so does your workforce. Restructuring your business with a well-thought plan and carefully selecting the right candidates for new or existing roles can be all the difference.
Read more about our restructuring support.
About The Block Management Consultancy
Specialist Block Management Consultancy Services to Support your Business
With over a decade of hands-on, multifaceted Block Management experience, and 12 years of experience running and assisting businesses of all shapes and sizes, The Block Management Consultancy exists solely to support and advise businesses just like yours.
Below we’ve provided some info on how we work, and why you should seek the support of expert consultants with proven track records.
Can you help with the Right to Manage process?
Yes, we can. We have been involved with setting up in excess of fifty Right to Manage companies across the country. From gauging interest to serving Notice of Claim and dealing with Landlords, we'll see you through the entire process.
Why use us rather than a Business Consultant?
Business Consultants are fantastic and will often go a long way in assisting your business to reach its short-term goals. However, at The Block Management Consultancy, our intricate knowledge of the Block Management industry alongside our decades of experience allow us to understand your Block Management business in a way that most Business Consultants cannot.
For example, our knowledge of the market enables us to advise you on the competitiveness of your management fees, your administration fees and the productivity and efficiency of your staff.
How is our training different from that provided by TPI?
The TPI cirriculum covers off a select few subjects relating to the management of residential property, such as 'Reading Leases', or 'Understanding Service Charges'.
At The Block Management Consultancy, we view those cirriculums as training programmes supplemental to your own in-house training matrix, and certainly not as a replacement for it. We work alongside our clients to create a well-thought footpath for staff of all experience levels, from trainee to senior management to ensure that their professional development stays on track.
Creating your own training matrix guarantees that your staff are being trained in accordance with your company's philosophy and ensures that all staff are following uniform procedures and guidelines that represent your ethos in the brightest possible light.